: Technology - IT Companies Directory is a web application framework developed by Microsoft to build dynamic web pages and web applications. It provides a programming model and a set of tools that allow developers to create stable, secure, and scalable web applications. is based on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), which allows developers to write code in a variety of languages, including C#,, and F#. One of the key benefits of is that it simplifies the development of complex web applications by providing developers with a wide range of features like improved server controls, state management, caching, and authentication. With, developers can create highly functional web applications that can run on any device and platform.

List of Development companies

Here is the Directory or List of Development companies. Find their details like address, phone numbers, major IT products, IT Services, certifications, brands, technology, year of establishment etc.

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What is quantum computing in simple terms : Demystify quantum computing and its potential impact on different industries in the USA

What is quantum computing in simple terms : Demystify quantum computing and its potential impact on different industries in the USA

- What is quantum computing in simple terms ? Imagine building a house with Legos, but each block could be both a red roof tile and a green wall brick at the same… Read More

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